Planting 300 trees to form a windbreak at the border of the Protected Area Fântâniţa – Murfatlar, an efficient solution for extending the green space surface and for biodiversity conservation

Mare Nostrum helps nature breath from 1994, thus one of the strategic directions of the crossborder project NATURE AROUND US was to extend the green space surface. The project was implemented between July 2014 and December 2015 and consisted of multiple activites, all focused on biodiversity conservation and exteding the green space surface. One of the most important activities was planting 300 trees, as a windbreak, at the border of the Protected Area Fântâniţa – Murfatlar. In the activity were involved students from the Poarta Albă College, institutionalized children and Mare Nostrum volunteers. The species chosen to ensure the protection of the area were the honey locust (Gleditsia triachantos) and the flowering ash (Fraxinus ornus).