The project is a pioneer in the area of waste management, being implemented between 2004 and 2005, when tourists, locals and local authorities did not know details about the process of selective collection and recycling. Moreover, this project facilitated the organization of selective waste collection programs in Navodari, Mangalia and Medgidia.
The bases of the collaboration with the mayors of the 3 cities were laid, for the choice of technical solutions for the realization of the pilot programs. Subsequent to the consultation campaign, two pilot associations were identified: one for Navodari and one for Mangalia, where the actions will be implemented. An extensive awareness campaign has been implemented to inform the inhabitants of these cities about the need for selective collection.
The campaign was extended to the level of the educational units in the county and different economic agents were attracted in the selective collection of the generated waste.
Following the project, several schools in Constanta were equipped with containers for selective waste collection; over 19000 kg of paper and over 6000 kg of plastic were collected.
This was the project that first introduced the idea of environmental responsibility, a value that defines all Mare Nostrum projects.