The "Net free Black Sea" project is financially supported by the Ocean Conservancy's Small Grants Program - Global Ghost Gear Initiative" and continues Mare Nostrum's efforts to reduce the number of fishing nets that end up in Black Sea waters, as well as recovering those already there.

The main objective of the project is to remove at least 1000 kg of abandoned fishing nets from the Black Sea waters. 
Project activities also include a public event and exhibition to mark International Black Sea Day, and a workshop for stakeholders such as fishermen and local government or authorities. 
Raising awareness in tackling the problem of marine litter generated by maritime activity, but especially abandoned fishing nets, is essential. 
The results of the workshop will provide solutions to the problem of marine litter, coming from the economic sectors, and prioritise those that can really be implemented, with benefits not only for the marine environment. 
It will also seek to change practices in the sector, to identify viable solutions for the removal of marine litter, as it is well known that continuous education and motivation is an important mean to avoid, minimise and address the effects of ship and marina generated litter on the marine environment.